We love our little ones. We love the pure joy that they bring into our lives, the smile that melts our hearts, and the unbelievable amount of mess that they can make (well, maybe not loving the mess so much).

But since we know that these little ones and big messes go hand in hand, we wanted to find a solution that will help us focus on the joys and not stress over the mess.

In 2020, our world was faced with an unfortunate pandemic and many of us stayed home for weeks. As a mum with a toddler at home, I was constantly on the search for activities to do with him. That’s when I found out about the benefits of sensory play. Sensory play is critical for early childhood development and helps the child hone eye-hand coordination, fine motor skills, etc. Sensory play involves coloured rice, play dough, slime, etc which is a lot of fun, and a lot of mess. I often found myself stressing over the mess and worried about staining my floor, that I could not fully be mentally present engaging with my little one. After each play, I also had to spend a lot of time cleaning up the mess while he naps, thereby leaving me little time to rest.

As such, WITHIN & CO was born. WITHIN mats seek to help you spend less time cleaning up the big messes by little ones. It allows you to focus on the joys of bonding instead of worrying about the mess at the back of your mind.

As a mum myself, I understand how it’s like to wear many hats. I hope WITHIN mats will become your secret helping hand in keeping the house clean, thereby leaving you more time to do the important things that you need, and to simply take a much needed break. I look forward to having you as part of the WITHIN family.